List of Temples of Cybele and Sites Important to Cybelines
Complied by Caillean McMahon
Rome, Italy
Portions of walls and peristyle columns visible, most of the original statue
of cybele intact nearby. Base is volcanic stone, walls are stucco, built
into bedrock of Palatine Hill, podium is concrete. Temple was corinthian
hexastyle peristyle.
Rome, Italy
The Pantheon was dedicated by the Emperor Hadrian to Cybele primarily and
secondarily to the other Roman deities. Given by Emperor Phocus to Pope
Boniface IV after re-conquering the city. Boniface consecrated it to "the
Virgin Mary and all of the saints" to counter Hadrian's original dedication.
In use as a Catholic Church.
Ostia, Italy
Intact temple statue of cybele, also statue of Attis. Temple platform is
Pozzuoli (Cumae) Italy
Foundation, column bases, podium remain. Site largely overgrown
Gulbache (Priene) Turkey
Temples of Demeter, Athena, Zues and Cybele exist, recognizable ruins though
of the temples that of Cybele is least recognizable as having been a structure.
Pessinus, Turkey(Phrygia)
Once the most important temple, suprisingly small. Intact theatre next
to the temple that was formed from temple steps present as well.
Sardis(Ephesus), Turkey
The Temple or Artemis Cybele was one of the wonders of the ancient world.
Some stone work remains from the second temple, the foundation is from
the original temple. Marble from the temple used to construct Hagia Sophia
in Istanbul, though rumors said the curse of Cybele would follow the stone.
A pit near the temple contained the remains of countless broken images
of the Goddess destroyed by Christian, and two intact figures.
Midas, Turkey
Temple-cave with impressive facade carved into rock
Yzmir(Smyrna) Turkey
Statuary in local museum, no temple ruins remain
Bergama (Pergamon) Turkey
Ruins of small temple to Cybele on southern flank of acropolis.
Claros, Turkey
Sacred cave used in worship of Cybele near Temple of Apollo
Manisa, Turkey
Rock cut relief of Cybele
London and York, UK
Altars dedicated to Cybele found in both cities
Carvoran, UK
Altar with inscription
Chesters, UK
Statue with head and arms missing, standing on large animal
Catterick, UK
Site of tomb of galla priestess wearing elaborate jewelry including 600
bead anklet, jet necklace and bracelet. Close to Hadrian's Wall.
High Conniscliffe, UK.
Tablet at St Edwin's Church depicting gallae priestesses. The adjoining
region, Valley House, is believed to be a corruption of galli house, referring
to priestess residence. St Edwin's is a lofty , rocky region with tunnels
and caves.
Athens, Greece
The foundation of the temple, which was also the Athenian archieves, remains
on the hillside below the parthenon. The building was originally the old
bouleterion, or senate, of Athens. Foundation visible. Plans of the building
are known.
Daskalopetra, Isle of Chios
Cubic altar of 1 metre with worn out bas relief adjacent to "Homer's Stone
and carved from the same rock. The Homer's stone has seats in the periphery
and sculped lion's claws(Lion was Cybele's animal)
Mainz, Germany
Temple of Isis-Cybele. Supported by the Emperor Vespacian. Remains of three
dining rooms adjacent to the temple. Structures constructed 70 CE
Vienne France
Excavated temple foundation and theatre, stone foundation of the temple
reveals the typical 2 side aisles and central(marriage) chamber,
Palenville, NY, USA
Outdoor temple with altar and wooden gateways located at equidistant arc
degrees in a circle. Historically significant as the first use of the ritual
drumming rhythm in over 1600 yrs took place in a ceremony here in 2003(2756
auc). The only known current Phrygianum(residence of priestesses) is located
on the property.
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